Friday, April 30, 2010

Making Bamcas...

The Bamcas making techniques have to pass several stages, namely:

a. Selecting Qualified Gombong Bamboos

This phase will determine the quality of the bamboo computer casings because not all bamboo Gombong have a good quality. Good Gombong bamboos are harvested at the age of 3-5 years between late July and early September [6]. At that time the water content of bamboo Gombong also decreases, which reduce the sugar that makes bamboo Gombong resistance of pests such as termites. Therefore, we have prepared ourselves to buy some bamboo sticks Gombong that month.

b. Gombong Bamboo Preservation Stage

Gombong bamboo stems and then cut into pieces according to the desired size (this piece is called with a blade), the blade's sides are cleaned with a cloth or paper. On the other hand preparing a barrel filled with boiling water enough, the barrel and then reheated.
After boiling water, then added with borax as much as 2% and 3% berbandingan borik with the amount of water, then stir until combined. After all ingredients had been mixed, the heat turned off and pieces of bamboo Gombong incorporated into the mixture, the entire surface of the bamboo cultivated Gombong submerged by a chemical solution, and the barrel is closed tightly so that no air intake. The purpose of this preservation process is to eliminate the existing food quintessence Gombong on bamboo. If the quintessence of this food has been lost, then attacked by termites Gombong bamboo will be smaller.

c. Drying Bamboo Gombong

Gombong bamboo drying process is needed to maintain the dimensional stability of bamboo Gombong, improving surface color, as well as for protection against fungal attack, wet powder and to facilitate further in progress. Gombong bamboo strength will also increase with increasing dry bamboo Gombong. Gombong bamboo drying can be done naturally (air drying), smoking, drying, using solar energy (solar collector on drying) or in combination with energy furnace, dryer and drying in the kitchen.

d. Assembly
Making computer case pillar requires Gombong twelve bamboo poles, each associated with peg grafting technique.
Making the base and the roof needs a few small blades. Each bar drilled every 2 cm with a drill, then each of the holes will be pivoted together with the pole.
Parts makers side of the computer casing is almost the same as the base and roof, which is preparing pitches as one side of the peg system, but the difference is that the side could be overhauled as the computer casing in general.
The final stage of assembly is to make the spaces in the computer as a place meletakknan computer hardware component.

e. Laminate
Laminate stage is the last stage which is also the preservation of the computer casing to avoid some external factors such as dust, ambient temperature, hot sun, rain and others.


  1. That`s awesome,,,it can make our earth more green
    good luck...

  2. Justifikasi pemilihan bahan mungkin harus dikuatkan lagi, misalnya berapa sih ketersediaan sumber dayanya mungkin pake data statistik time series lebih bagus, keungulan bambu gombong dikaitkan dengan karaktersitik casing tidak hanya kualitatif bagus saja, yang ideal seperti apa?...
    Cassingnya saya lihat digambar tidak ada sirkulasi udaranya ya....dan terlihat rapat, mungkin karena gambar saja?

    dari jepang

  3. 1'st:
    thank you ... innovation and creativity in the field of green computing is our main goal as this PKMT (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Teknologi)

    bambu merupakan bahan yang ramah lingkungan, bambu memiliki masa tumbuh yang relativ cepat dibandingkan dengan kayu, rotan, dsb. bambu tumbu 30-140 cm setiap harinya. jika bambu dipotong maka akan menghasilkan 4-5 tunas baru. bambu dapat tumbuh dimana saja dan kapan saja. bambu juga dapat dipanen kapan saja, namun untuk menghasilkan kualitas yang paling bagus adalah pada bulan juni-agustus (musim kemarau) dan diatas jam 12 siang dengan tujuan agar kandungan air dalam bambu sedikit saja. adanya rekayasa penanaman/ budidaya bambu dan sistem tebang pilih maka tumbuhan bambu dijamin tidak akan mudah habis. dari beberapa landasan teori yang kami dapatkan diatas sehingga kami yakin untuk memilih bambu sebagai bahan yang mensubtitusikan logam pada casing komputer pada umumnya...
    bambu gombong dipilih karena memiliki dinding yang tebal dan panjang ruas yang lebih panjang dibanding bambu jenis lainnya. bambu ideal yang dipilih dalam membuat bamcas adalah bambu yang lurus dengan ketebalan yang lebar serta jarak antar ruas yang cukup jauh....
    untuk sirkulasi udara: bamcas memiliki celah-celah antar sisinya walau sebenarnya tertutup rapat. hal ini yang menjadikan suhu udara dalam bamcas lebih dingin.
